"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Month 10

It's the end of 2011 and my baby is already 11 months old!  It's been a whirlwind of a year, I can't believe how fast it flew by!  Little Miss Kya is a ball full of energy!  She is crawling like a pro now, especially when she's going after Fudge.  She pulls up on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.....which is fun :-/.  Yesterday she fell while pulling up on the coffee table and cut the corner of her eye, poor baby!  The coffee table will be making its exit from the family room tomorrow when daddy is home.  I think we're going to have to move around a lot of things tomorrow.  Kya loves to push the buttons on her daddy's surround sound, oops! 
She's become quite the little parrot.  She says "uh oh" which is pretty darn cute.  Last weekend her Great Aunt Tammy taught her to say "go, go, go."  Unfortunately she's also learned to repeat "no, no" back at me when I say it to her.  Too bad she doesn't understand what it means yet!  She also says, "nana" and knows where the bananas are in the kitchen.  My smart girl knows the sign for more and will do it when she wants some more food or milk. 
Kya is very inquisitive.  She studies her environment, especially when there are a lot of new people around.  If you try to teach her a new word she'll watch you and usually she'll at least try to repeat what you're saying.
This week I started the process of weaning her.  It's very bittersweet.  I am really proud that I've been able to nurse her for so long.  I never thought we'd make it this far!  Breastfeeding has really been a blessing for my family.  It's been a really special time for Kya and me and it has saved us so much money.  I am so grateful that I have been able to do it.  But it's time for us to be done.  Kya has been doing great drinking out of bottles and sippy cups lately so I know she won't have a problem with that.  So far she really doesn't like the taste of cow's milk.  Yesterday she actually drank some of it when I gave it to her with her dinner.  We'll get there, it may just take a while.
Christmas was really fun this year.  Kya was much more interested in the gifts under the tree than the tree itsself.  When we opened presents she of course loved the bows and boxes more than the toys she got!  She especially liked the potato masher I got.  We had two weekends worth of Christmas with all of her grandparents and many of her great grandparents as well.  What a blessing it was to have Kya in our family for Christmas this year :-)