"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 23

Total weight gain: Let's just say baby and I had quite a growth spurt this past month....We're going to get the cravings under control so that I don't end up looking like a walrus by the end of this!

Clothes: Scottie took last Friday off and took my shopping at Children's Orchard.  I got two new shirts and a dress, wahoo!

Food: I haven't been eating as much this week due to being really sick :-(  Cravings tend to go away when you're puking.  Ick!

Energy: I was pretty much out of it Monday night through Tuesday night.  But, Tuesday morning I woke up feeling AMAZING and was able to get a lot of things done.

Sleep: Horrible on Monday night!  I was up with intense back pain and stomach issues.  Ever since then I've been sleeping fabulously.  I LOVE the cold weather when I'm sleeping because I get to bundle up under the covers.  So cozy!

Belly: Well, last night Scottie said, "Whoa!  You look big!"  I ASSUMING he was referring to my belly....

Movement: She's been moving a lot more lately, especially today.  She was moving around the entire time I was painting my belly today (see photo below)...it was like I was tickling her, lol.

Excitement: I would say the biggest excitement I've had this week was getting over that sickness quickly!  PTL!

Happy Halloween from Nicole and the little punkin'!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

21 Weeks!

Brrr!  The weather is really cooling off here in Missouri. 


Total weight gain: I think about 10 lbs...the scale battery is dead so I'm not positive.  I have to say that it is really weird seeing my weight go up and up and up!  I've been in the same 5 lb range since high school, so these larger numbers are definitely a new thing.  It's all a part of growing a healthy baby I suppose.

Clothes: My favorites as of late are leggings and sweats.  They are so much more comfortable than jeans!  Now I just need to find some more long tops/tunics to wear with my leggings.  *I'm really excited about the fall weather because I get to start wearing all my boots!*

Food: It really depends on the day.  I'm still loving the applesauce.  Last night I wanted KFC...which is weird since I've been "off" chicken lately.  I had a two piece meal with mashed potatoes and gravy and mac'n'cheese.  I ate EVERY bite!  Yum!  Thanks hubsband for indulging that craving!

Energy: I think I've taken a nap every day this week to keep me going.  Scottie and Fudge and I went on a walk on Monday which was a nice workout.

Sleep: Eh...not so great this week.  My back has been really hurting this week.  I'm really not supposed to be sleeping on my back anymore but I find myself laying in that position frequently.  I think I need another body pillow.  Then, I can wedge myself in between the two.  Scottie would LOVE that...

Belly: Rounder and rounder!  Scottie said my tattoo looks stretched out but I can't see it to tell.

Movement: Busy little bee!  This week I've noticed her moving around sometimes when I'm standing up.  Apparently she likes it when I paint because that's when she's been wiggling.
Excitement:  Last night Scottie and I spent a long time just watching my belly.  It was so fun!  It is really neat to see her little kicks and her BIG kicks!  Sometimes I can feel her pressing against me and shifting positions.  One time last night she pushed up against me and we could see a round bulge slowly growing on my belly.  Crazy!
The other excitement is that my parents are coming this weekend to help us start getting the nursery ready!  We're going to move the furniture out of the room, refinish the baby furniture and start moving it in!  Hooray, I'm so excited to create my little princess's room :-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weeks 19 & 20

I'm updating because apparently my husband doesn't know what's going on in our lives if I don't!

Total weight gain:  More than 7 :-)

Clothes: Hooray for cooler weather!  I've pulled out my sweats this week and they are so comfy!  Hoodies and sweat pants are the best!

Food: I found edamame at Aldi last night, SO excited about that!  Other good things: applesauce, hot chocolate, soup, bread.  Chicken=nasty

Energy: It comes in waves.  I can be productive for a few hours and then I need a little rest to regain some energy.

Sleep: Fine.

Belly: Pretty much the same only bigger.  I can feel my skin getting tighter.  I've also noticed that I can no longer see my tattoo unless I'm looking in a mirror.  (It's on my hip for those who didn't know).

Movement: Same.  Active when I'm sitting or laying down.  I've noticed she likes to kick when I'm in the car.