"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Month 9

Talk about a crazy month. I think Kya changed the most during her 9th month than any month yet. My little bundle of energy weighed in at 17 lbs 8 oz at her well visit. She was at the 25th percentile across the board for height, weight, and head circumference.  She's not nearly as chunky now that she's finally gotten a little longer.  My baby girl has a full head of hair now too!

Kya is becoming a big girl before my eyes and its freaking me out! We have a rainforest toy (given to us by our good friends the Peteries) that she loves to pull herself to standing on. A few days ago she even walked back and forth on it too!  9 months also marked the start of crawling. At first she did an army crawl, just using her arms and pulling herself. Then she started using her legs a little bit in a modified army crawl. Occasionally now she'll crawl on all fours, but typically she just does her funny little army crawl. She loves to wave and sometimes even says “hi da” or “hi dada” to Scottie. She loves to talk about her daddy.

We spent over a week away from home celebrating my dad's 50th birthday and thanksgiving. While we were away, Kya started clapping and talking more. We call her Aunt Kylie “Aunt “KooKoo.” Kya has started saying “caca,” which we think is her trying to say “kookoo.” We all think hilarious, but Kylie doesn't particularly like being called poop so we'll continue saying “kookoo” in hopes that eventually the'll stop calling her “caca.”