"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 26

Total weight gain: still living blissfully unaware :-)  My doctor's appointment is on Wed. though so I'll have an update then.

Clothes: Ugh.  It's just a pain to find something that is comfortable AND cute.

Food: Nothing weird lately.  I've been really into making fruit smoothies for breakfast with frozen fruit and yogurt.

Energy: I've been kind of sluggish this week.  The cold weather makes it worse!

Sleep: Ok except that my shoulders and arms have been falling asleep from sleeping on my side.
Belly: Large and in charge.

Movement: This week was the first time I really saw a body part move across my belly.  I'm not sure which part it was but it was kind of funny to watch.

Excitement: The nursery is painted, the furniture is moved back into place, and some of the bedding is finished.  It's looking super cute!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 25

Total weight gain: No clue.  Our scale battery died so I'm living blissfully unaware :-)

Clothes: I got some adorable flat ankle boots and a cardigan in Lee's Summit last weekend.  Boots are a fall/winter must-have for me.  Sorry babe!

Food: I've actually eaten....CHICKEN this week.  Shocking, I know!  I'm still not a huge fan but it's not grossing me out nearly as much.

Energy: Average.  I've been feeling pretty good lately.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time.  (Except when my husband decides to sleep in the middle of the bed or with his elbow in my back). 
Belly: Big enough that it rests on my legs when I'm sitting upright!  Eek!  Just kidding, I like the belly.  I think it's cute...most of the time :-)

Movement: Last week I had a really hard time going to sleep on Tuesday night. I had soda with my dinner that night and apparently it made the baby very active! She was moving around so much it made me sick to my stomach. Needless to say, I won't be drinking caffeine in the evenings anymore.

Excitement: Scottie and I painted the nursery this weekend :-)  This afternoon I'll be doing some touch-ups and starting the mural.