"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kya Mae Stiles

This week's updates for week 18...
Total weight gain: 7 lbs
Clothes: I have ONE pair of regular jeans that still fit!  Other than that, maternity all the way!
Food: what sounds good right now....tacos, ruffle chips with sour cream and onion dip, corn on the cob, strawberry applesauce
Energy: pretty good!  As long as I get some sleep, I'm good to go.
Sleep: eh...ok.  I've had a cold since last Friday so that has made things a little more difficult as far as sleeping goes.
Belly: round.  My belly button has really begun to flatten out which is really weird.  Scottie thinks it's funny.
Movement: very active!  Little Kya was moving all over the place during the ultrasound yesterday which made it difficult to see her face.
Excitement: We're having a baby girl!  I was SOOOO surprised when the ultrasound tech told us that the baby was a girl.  I really thought it was going to be a boy!  So, God really managed to surprise me yesterday.  The ultrasound was literally one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my entire life.  A breath-taking painting is absolutely nothing in comparison to seeing your child on an ultrasound.  God is so amazing.  I mean, come on, I saw her organs, her skeleton, her little fingers and toes!  Just 12 weeks ago she was a tiny little blob on the screen.  If that's not proof that God exists and is GOOD, I don't know what is.

Kya's pretty little profile

She didn't want her picture taken...

This shot is from underneath her bottom, it shows her legs and the proof she's a girl!

another profile pic

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 17

This week's updates...

Total weight gain: 5ish lbs

Clothes: I'm pretty much wearing only maternity clothes and loungewear.  The belly really seems to have rounded lately.

Food:  love-chocolate, ice cream, carbs, fresh green beans  hate-chicken and hot dogs sound disgusting

Energy: fair-I've subbed two half days so far this semester and made it just fine, but I definitely needed a nap when I got home.

Sleep: pretty good this week!

Belly: HUGE!  Ok, not that huge but it sure feels like it sometimes.

Movement:  very active!  I felt baby for the first time on Friday night when I was babysitting, and ever since then I've been feeling little pokes here and there pretty much anytime I'm sitting or laying down.  Scottie got to feel a little kick on Monday night before he left for Tulsa.  His reaction, "This IS real, isn't it?"  It was pretty neat.

Excitement:  One week from today we get to have our big ultrasound!  I am SO excited to see the baby, and to find out if it's a boy or a girl!  I'm feeling so anxious about it, I just want to know now!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 16!!!


Total Weight gain: 4 lbs

Clothes:  Even my larger pants that were fitting for a while are getting pretty tight.  I had some maternity clothes that my sweet friend Kayla has let me borrow which fit ok.  I spent the weekend searching for maternity clothes...unsuccessfully.  I did order some things online so let's hope they work!

Food:  love-chocolate  hate-chicken.  I haven't really had any cravings but chocolate is tasting so darn good (even choc. ice cream which I didn't used to like).  I have, however, been absolutely repulsed by chicken.  Ick.

Energy:  Pretty darn good most of the time!  My energy level seems to be directly related to how I have slept the night before.

Sleep: It depends on the day.  Sometimes I find myself tossing and turning all night with headaches.  (Scottie says that my body pillow and I have been invading his side of the bed...now he knows how I feel!)  The nights I do sleep well, it's amazing!

Belly:  Definitely showing!  Scottie makes a lot more comments about baby now that the belly is so visible.  See for yourself!

Thanks again for your prayers!  Keep sending them our way for a healthy baby!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

15 and counting

We started week 15 out by going to an all day conference called "Hitched (or not) and Hatching."  It was pretty neat!  They gave us bagels and fruit for breakfast while we read through the schedule for the day.  Then we had workshops, speakers, and a panel throughout the day.  We got yummy lunches from Lola's Bakery AND we were able to have chair massages.  (Scottie didn't like his...he said he felt like she was trying to beat him up).  At the end of the day they gave away TONS of awesome prizes (toys, diapers, strollers, carseats, etc).  We ended up winning some diapers, wipes, toys, and a gift card to wal-mart.  And, everyone that stayed for the whole day got a nice diaper bag filled with all kinds of baby items.  After all that excitement we got to celebrate Kylie's birthday with my parents, brother, and my grandparents!  It was a great weekend!

This week has been pretty much normal with working on the mural up at the church.  I have had a lot of headaches, though.  My doctor said I could take tylenol pm at night but I took it the night before last and it didn't help anything.  Actually, tylenol doesn't really seem to be helping in general...ugh.  Yesterday I had some caffeine and that seemed to help for a while.

Most exciting news of the day: we get to see baby on the ultrasound in 3 weeks from today!