"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

31 Weeks and Merry Christmas!

Total weight gain: 26 lbs.  Dr. says everything is going great but let's hope the weight gain slows down until the end :-)
Clothes: The long torso dilemma is becoming a problem.  I had several non-maternity shirts that I could wear up until about two weeks ago.  Now my belly is so big that we have a serious air-draft problem going on.  Even some of my maternity shirts are too short!  Luckily I found some long sleeved shirts at Old Navy for $5 a piece.
Food: Are you ready for this?  We ate CHICKEN twice this week.  Yes, I actually put chicken on the grocery list and prepared two meals with it.  That hasn't happened in ages.
Energy: Pretty low this week due to some congestion ickyness I'm battling.
Sleep: Horrible!  Congestion makes it hard to sleep.  Thanks to Tylenol PM, however, I slept much better last night.  I think all this crud is finally making its way up out of my chest and into my nose.  Thank goodness!
Belly: Obviously bigger since I can't wear some of my shirts anymore.  My belly button looks pretty funny these days...completely flat except for the very top part which sticks out.  But, no stretch marks so far (crossing my fingers).
Movement: She doesn't kick quite as hard now that she's getting bigger but she still likes to move her limbs around and show off for us at night.
Excitement: Christmas is this week!  Scottie and I were blessed by a nice family Christmas with his family last weekend.  We had pizza, opened presents (Karissa could hardly wait), and watched Toy Story 3.  It was bittersweet, surely not the same without Scott.  But, it was nice to be in Springfield and to have everyone healthy this year.  Scott would be just amazed at all of the changes that have happened this year.  Karissa made it onto a gymnastics team and is nearly 13; Austin has finished his first semester of college, has an adorable girlfriend (they're pretty much joined at the hip), and has become a rather responsible and independent young man; Karen has conquered critters, house, and car troubles, successfully taken over
Scott's insurance business, and started Karissa in a new school; Scottie has finished a huge government project at work, and made a very difficult career decision; and I have really expanded my business and gone through 7 1/2 months of pregnancy!  He would be so proud of everyone :-).  Tomorrow we're headed to my parents' house for Christmas.  I'm looking forward to some nice quiet time with my family, being able to reflect on all of the marvelous blessings we've been given. 
Here's the belly pic.  Maybe later this week I'll think of something Christmas-related to post a picture of.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

29 Weeks

Total weight gain: 22 lbs...pretty good considering those two weeks included Thanksgiving.

Clothes: Leggings are my best friend.  I tried on some jeggings this week (I know, I know), but for a pregnant woman stretchy jeans are far more comfortable than maternity jeans.  I haven't found the right pair yet, but it's on my Christmas list :-)

Food: No abnormal cravings this week that I can think of.  My lovely friends included cupcakes as a part of the baby shower menu which was fabulous.  I love cupcakes!

Energy: Well, I have to say that I pretty much feel pregnant (especially today).

Sleep: I've been falling asleep just fine, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night.  This morning I was SOOO tired (I had a dr. appointment at 8:15).  So, I took a two hour nap when I came back home.  It was so nice :-)

Belly: Big and round.

Movement: I've loved feeling her little feet move across my belly lately, so fun!

Excitement: Number one: My friend Rachel did an ultrasound for me.  I got to see little Kya again, it was so special.  Her face is chubby now and I saw her opening and closing her mouth.  Number two: I had a baby shower this weekend!  So many people were able to come and we had tons of fun eating, chatting, opening gifts, and painting onesies and bibs :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Weeks 27-28

Total weight gain: 19 lbs...before Thanksgiving ;-)

Clothes: I'm enjoying Scottie's clothes...they seem to fit over the belly just right

Food: Well, Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday.  I love turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc.  It was all WONDERFUL!  I even got homemade mashed potatoes this year!  This week I've just been hungry ALL the time which is kind of annoying.

Energy: Where did it go?  Hello third trimester...you stole my fire

Sleep: I'm needing more of it again.  Yesterday I took the most fabulous nap...and probably could've slept for much longer than I allowed myself.
Belly: This morning when I got up it looked super weird...I'm pretty sure she was laying vertically instead of horizontally.  She must be getting a lot bigger because I just feel uncomfortable most of the time.

Movement: Pretty much the same.  She's an active little gal.  Luckily her movements still haven't woken me up in the middle of the night.

Excitement: My friends are throwing me a baby shower this weekend!  I'm pretty excited to be able to spend time with a bunch of friends and family :-)