"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

31 Weeks and Merry Christmas!

Total weight gain: 26 lbs.  Dr. says everything is going great but let's hope the weight gain slows down until the end :-)
Clothes: The long torso dilemma is becoming a problem.  I had several non-maternity shirts that I could wear up until about two weeks ago.  Now my belly is so big that we have a serious air-draft problem going on.  Even some of my maternity shirts are too short!  Luckily I found some long sleeved shirts at Old Navy for $5 a piece.
Food: Are you ready for this?  We ate CHICKEN twice this week.  Yes, I actually put chicken on the grocery list and prepared two meals with it.  That hasn't happened in ages.
Energy: Pretty low this week due to some congestion ickyness I'm battling.
Sleep: Horrible!  Congestion makes it hard to sleep.  Thanks to Tylenol PM, however, I slept much better last night.  I think all this crud is finally making its way up out of my chest and into my nose.  Thank goodness!
Belly: Obviously bigger since I can't wear some of my shirts anymore.  My belly button looks pretty funny these days...completely flat except for the very top part which sticks out.  But, no stretch marks so far (crossing my fingers).
Movement: She doesn't kick quite as hard now that she's getting bigger but she still likes to move her limbs around and show off for us at night.
Excitement: Christmas is this week!  Scottie and I were blessed by a nice family Christmas with his family last weekend.  We had pizza, opened presents (Karissa could hardly wait), and watched Toy Story 3.  It was bittersweet, surely not the same without Scott.  But, it was nice to be in Springfield and to have everyone healthy this year.  Scott would be just amazed at all of the changes that have happened this year.  Karissa made it onto a gymnastics team and is nearly 13; Austin has finished his first semester of college, has an adorable girlfriend (they're pretty much joined at the hip), and has become a rather responsible and independent young man; Karen has conquered critters, house, and car troubles, successfully taken over
Scott's insurance business, and started Karissa in a new school; Scottie has finished a huge government project at work, and made a very difficult career decision; and I have really expanded my business and gone through 7 1/2 months of pregnancy!  He would be so proud of everyone :-).  Tomorrow we're headed to my parents' house for Christmas.  I'm looking forward to some nice quiet time with my family, being able to reflect on all of the marvelous blessings we've been given. 
Here's the belly pic.  Maybe later this week I'll think of something Christmas-related to post a picture of.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

29 Weeks

Total weight gain: 22 lbs...pretty good considering those two weeks included Thanksgiving.

Clothes: Leggings are my best friend.  I tried on some jeggings this week (I know, I know), but for a pregnant woman stretchy jeans are far more comfortable than maternity jeans.  I haven't found the right pair yet, but it's on my Christmas list :-)

Food: No abnormal cravings this week that I can think of.  My lovely friends included cupcakes as a part of the baby shower menu which was fabulous.  I love cupcakes!

Energy: Well, I have to say that I pretty much feel pregnant (especially today).

Sleep: I've been falling asleep just fine, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night.  This morning I was SOOO tired (I had a dr. appointment at 8:15).  So, I took a two hour nap when I came back home.  It was so nice :-)

Belly: Big and round.

Movement: I've loved feeling her little feet move across my belly lately, so fun!

Excitement: Number one: My friend Rachel did an ultrasound for me.  I got to see little Kya again, it was so special.  Her face is chubby now and I saw her opening and closing her mouth.  Number two: I had a baby shower this weekend!  So many people were able to come and we had tons of fun eating, chatting, opening gifts, and painting onesies and bibs :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Weeks 27-28

Total weight gain: 19 lbs...before Thanksgiving ;-)

Clothes: I'm enjoying Scottie's clothes...they seem to fit over the belly just right

Food: Well, Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday.  I love turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc.  It was all WONDERFUL!  I even got homemade mashed potatoes this year!  This week I've just been hungry ALL the time which is kind of annoying.

Energy: Where did it go?  Hello third trimester...you stole my fire

Sleep: I'm needing more of it again.  Yesterday I took the most fabulous nap...and probably could've slept for much longer than I allowed myself.
Belly: This morning when I got up it looked super weird...I'm pretty sure she was laying vertically instead of horizontally.  She must be getting a lot bigger because I just feel uncomfortable most of the time.

Movement: Pretty much the same.  She's an active little gal.  Luckily her movements still haven't woken me up in the middle of the night.

Excitement: My friends are throwing me a baby shower this weekend!  I'm pretty excited to be able to spend time with a bunch of friends and family :-)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 26

Total weight gain: still living blissfully unaware :-)  My doctor's appointment is on Wed. though so I'll have an update then.

Clothes: Ugh.  It's just a pain to find something that is comfortable AND cute.

Food: Nothing weird lately.  I've been really into making fruit smoothies for breakfast with frozen fruit and yogurt.

Energy: I've been kind of sluggish this week.  The cold weather makes it worse!

Sleep: Ok except that my shoulders and arms have been falling asleep from sleeping on my side.
Belly: Large and in charge.

Movement: This week was the first time I really saw a body part move across my belly.  I'm not sure which part it was but it was kind of funny to watch.

Excitement: The nursery is painted, the furniture is moved back into place, and some of the bedding is finished.  It's looking super cute!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 25

Total weight gain: No clue.  Our scale battery died so I'm living blissfully unaware :-)

Clothes: I got some adorable flat ankle boots and a cardigan in Lee's Summit last weekend.  Boots are a fall/winter must-have for me.  Sorry babe!

Food: I've actually eaten....CHICKEN this week.  Shocking, I know!  I'm still not a huge fan but it's not grossing me out nearly as much.

Energy: Average.  I've been feeling pretty good lately.

Sleep: Pretty good most of the time.  (Except when my husband decides to sleep in the middle of the bed or with his elbow in my back). 
Belly: Big enough that it rests on my legs when I'm sitting upright!  Eek!  Just kidding, I like the belly.  I think it's cute...most of the time :-)

Movement: Last week I had a really hard time going to sleep on Tuesday night. I had soda with my dinner that night and apparently it made the baby very active! She was moving around so much it made me sick to my stomach. Needless to say, I won't be drinking caffeine in the evenings anymore.

Excitement: Scottie and I painted the nursery this weekend :-)  This afternoon I'll be doing some touch-ups and starting the mural.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 23

Total weight gain: Let's just say baby and I had quite a growth spurt this past month....We're going to get the cravings under control so that I don't end up looking like a walrus by the end of this!

Clothes: Scottie took last Friday off and took my shopping at Children's Orchard.  I got two new shirts and a dress, wahoo!

Food: I haven't been eating as much this week due to being really sick :-(  Cravings tend to go away when you're puking.  Ick!

Energy: I was pretty much out of it Monday night through Tuesday night.  But, Tuesday morning I woke up feeling AMAZING and was able to get a lot of things done.

Sleep: Horrible on Monday night!  I was up with intense back pain and stomach issues.  Ever since then I've been sleeping fabulously.  I LOVE the cold weather when I'm sleeping because I get to bundle up under the covers.  So cozy!

Belly: Well, last night Scottie said, "Whoa!  You look big!"  I ASSUMING he was referring to my belly....

Movement: She's been moving a lot more lately, especially today.  She was moving around the entire time I was painting my belly today (see photo below)...it was like I was tickling her, lol.

Excitement: I would say the biggest excitement I've had this week was getting over that sickness quickly!  PTL!

Happy Halloween from Nicole and the little punkin'!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

21 Weeks!

Brrr!  The weather is really cooling off here in Missouri. 


Total weight gain: I think about 10 lbs...the scale battery is dead so I'm not positive.  I have to say that it is really weird seeing my weight go up and up and up!  I've been in the same 5 lb range since high school, so these larger numbers are definitely a new thing.  It's all a part of growing a healthy baby I suppose.

Clothes: My favorites as of late are leggings and sweats.  They are so much more comfortable than jeans!  Now I just need to find some more long tops/tunics to wear with my leggings.  *I'm really excited about the fall weather because I get to start wearing all my boots!*

Food: It really depends on the day.  I'm still loving the applesauce.  Last night I wanted KFC...which is weird since I've been "off" chicken lately.  I had a two piece meal with mashed potatoes and gravy and mac'n'cheese.  I ate EVERY bite!  Yum!  Thanks hubsband for indulging that craving!

Energy: I think I've taken a nap every day this week to keep me going.  Scottie and Fudge and I went on a walk on Monday which was a nice workout.

Sleep: Eh...not so great this week.  My back has been really hurting this week.  I'm really not supposed to be sleeping on my back anymore but I find myself laying in that position frequently.  I think I need another body pillow.  Then, I can wedge myself in between the two.  Scottie would LOVE that...

Belly: Rounder and rounder!  Scottie said my tattoo looks stretched out but I can't see it to tell.

Movement: Busy little bee!  This week I've noticed her moving around sometimes when I'm standing up.  Apparently she likes it when I paint because that's when she's been wiggling.
Excitement:  Last night Scottie and I spent a long time just watching my belly.  It was so fun!  It is really neat to see her little kicks and her BIG kicks!  Sometimes I can feel her pressing against me and shifting positions.  One time last night she pushed up against me and we could see a round bulge slowly growing on my belly.  Crazy!
The other excitement is that my parents are coming this weekend to help us start getting the nursery ready!  We're going to move the furniture out of the room, refinish the baby furniture and start moving it in!  Hooray, I'm so excited to create my little princess's room :-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weeks 19 & 20

I'm updating because apparently my husband doesn't know what's going on in our lives if I don't!

Total weight gain:  More than 7 :-)

Clothes: Hooray for cooler weather!  I've pulled out my sweats this week and they are so comfy!  Hoodies and sweat pants are the best!

Food: I found edamame at Aldi last night, SO excited about that!  Other good things: applesauce, hot chocolate, soup, bread.  Chicken=nasty

Energy: It comes in waves.  I can be productive for a few hours and then I need a little rest to regain some energy.

Sleep: Fine.

Belly: Pretty much the same only bigger.  I can feel my skin getting tighter.  I've also noticed that I can no longer see my tattoo unless I'm looking in a mirror.  (It's on my hip for those who didn't know).

Movement: Same.  Active when I'm sitting or laying down.  I've noticed she likes to kick when I'm in the car.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kya Mae Stiles

This week's updates for week 18...
Total weight gain: 7 lbs
Clothes: I have ONE pair of regular jeans that still fit!  Other than that, maternity all the way!
Food: what sounds good right now....tacos, ruffle chips with sour cream and onion dip, corn on the cob, strawberry applesauce
Energy: pretty good!  As long as I get some sleep, I'm good to go.
Sleep: eh...ok.  I've had a cold since last Friday so that has made things a little more difficult as far as sleeping goes.
Belly: round.  My belly button has really begun to flatten out which is really weird.  Scottie thinks it's funny.
Movement: very active!  Little Kya was moving all over the place during the ultrasound yesterday which made it difficult to see her face.
Excitement: We're having a baby girl!  I was SOOOO surprised when the ultrasound tech told us that the baby was a girl.  I really thought it was going to be a boy!  So, God really managed to surprise me yesterday.  The ultrasound was literally one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my entire life.  A breath-taking painting is absolutely nothing in comparison to seeing your child on an ultrasound.  God is so amazing.  I mean, come on, I saw her organs, her skeleton, her little fingers and toes!  Just 12 weeks ago she was a tiny little blob on the screen.  If that's not proof that God exists and is GOOD, I don't know what is.

Kya's pretty little profile

She didn't want her picture taken...

This shot is from underneath her bottom, it shows her legs and the proof she's a girl!

another profile pic

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 17

This week's updates...

Total weight gain: 5ish lbs

Clothes: I'm pretty much wearing only maternity clothes and loungewear.  The belly really seems to have rounded lately.

Food:  love-chocolate, ice cream, carbs, fresh green beans  hate-chicken and hot dogs sound disgusting

Energy: fair-I've subbed two half days so far this semester and made it just fine, but I definitely needed a nap when I got home.

Sleep: pretty good this week!

Belly: HUGE!  Ok, not that huge but it sure feels like it sometimes.

Movement:  very active!  I felt baby for the first time on Friday night when I was babysitting, and ever since then I've been feeling little pokes here and there pretty much anytime I'm sitting or laying down.  Scottie got to feel a little kick on Monday night before he left for Tulsa.  His reaction, "This IS real, isn't it?"  It was pretty neat.

Excitement:  One week from today we get to have our big ultrasound!  I am SO excited to see the baby, and to find out if it's a boy or a girl!  I'm feeling so anxious about it, I just want to know now!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 16!!!


Total Weight gain: 4 lbs

Clothes:  Even my larger pants that were fitting for a while are getting pretty tight.  I had some maternity clothes that my sweet friend Kayla has let me borrow which fit ok.  I spent the weekend searching for maternity clothes...unsuccessfully.  I did order some things online so let's hope they work!

Food:  love-chocolate  hate-chicken.  I haven't really had any cravings but chocolate is tasting so darn good (even choc. ice cream which I didn't used to like).  I have, however, been absolutely repulsed by chicken.  Ick.

Energy:  Pretty darn good most of the time!  My energy level seems to be directly related to how I have slept the night before.

Sleep: It depends on the day.  Sometimes I find myself tossing and turning all night with headaches.  (Scottie says that my body pillow and I have been invading his side of the bed...now he knows how I feel!)  The nights I do sleep well, it's amazing!

Belly:  Definitely showing!  Scottie makes a lot more comments about baby now that the belly is so visible.  See for yourself!

Thanks again for your prayers!  Keep sending them our way for a healthy baby!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

15 and counting

We started week 15 out by going to an all day conference called "Hitched (or not) and Hatching."  It was pretty neat!  They gave us bagels and fruit for breakfast while we read through the schedule for the day.  Then we had workshops, speakers, and a panel throughout the day.  We got yummy lunches from Lola's Bakery AND we were able to have chair massages.  (Scottie didn't like his...he said he felt like she was trying to beat him up).  At the end of the day they gave away TONS of awesome prizes (toys, diapers, strollers, carseats, etc).  We ended up winning some diapers, wipes, toys, and a gift card to wal-mart.  And, everyone that stayed for the whole day got a nice diaper bag filled with all kinds of baby items.  After all that excitement we got to celebrate Kylie's birthday with my parents, brother, and my grandparents!  It was a great weekend!

This week has been pretty much normal with working on the mural up at the church.  I have had a lot of headaches, though.  My doctor said I could take tylenol pm at night but I took it the night before last and it didn't help anything.  Actually, tylenol doesn't really seem to be helping in general...ugh.  Yesterday I had some caffeine and that seemed to help for a while.

Most exciting news of the day: we get to see baby on the ultrasound in 3 weeks from today!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 14

Well, I just got home from my doctor's appointment.  Everything went well!  Today I am 14 weeks 5 days pregnant.  I have officially gained 2 lbs since my last appointment (2 lbs total since I found out I was pregnant).  Baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm, a little slower than last time, but still really good.  The most exciting news from this appointment is that we got to schedule our ultrasound!  We are SOOOO excited!  We've only seen baby once (at 6 weeks) so this will be such a special event.  At this appointment they will do an anatomy scan to make sure everything is ok with baby and......we will find out if we're having a girl or a boy! 

Scottie and I started one of our registries last weekend, which was super fun!  We love looking at baby things together!  In other baby preparations, I've been trying to get Fudge not to bark so much.  I'm not sure if it's actually working or not...she's been threatened with having to go stay with Aunt Kylie if she wakes the baby up, but.....I don't think she gets it yet, lol.  It will be quite the rude awakening for her when baby comes (she is totally my little baby)!

Thanks for checking in!  Scottie and I are so appreciative of all the support and prayers you've given us.  Keep sending your prayers this way!  God is good :-)

Here's this week's bump pic

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

13 weeks!

     Well, it's wednesday which means that I am officially 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant!  I didn't feel so hot over the weekend but this week I've been feeling great.  I don't even think I've taken a nap since Saturday...crazy!  One of my dear friends that I babysit for gave me some great toys her kids have grown out of and this PRECIOUS book called "Watch Me Grow," which shows 3D ultrasound pictures of babies every week and talks about what changes.  My bible study friends suggested I take a pic of the belly every week in the same shirt so we could compare how it grows so I'll include that little photo.  I don't think it looks any different than last week though.  I have, however, finally gained some weight (only 2 lbs).  Scottie isn't so excited about this though since we've agreed that for every pound I gain he has to lose!  We'll see how that goes...
     In other news, my mural project is going well.  I started a HUGE project at Second Baptist church last week and have finally finished one room!  Scottie is actually in town this week (yay!) and we don't have huge plans for the weekend, whew!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

12 weeks!

Hey there!  I'm about halfway through my 12th week and feeling pretty good.  The first trimester nasties have seemed to disappear, ptl!  I've been working on a big mural project this week which has made me tired, but it's good to be back to doing something.  Here's a photo of the 12 week baby bump.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


     Hi family and friends!  This is Nicole posting.  Most of you have heard our very exciting news at this point, but all of you will know by next week!  Because we don't have constant contact with all of you (China family :-)), we've decided to create this blog to keep you all updated.  So, here are the updates as of today...
     Scottie and I found out that we were going to be parents on June 9th, 2010!  I was at home alone when I took the test and I immediately took a picture of the test, sent it to Scottie and said, "Call me when you get a chance.  Love you!"  So, of course he immediately called me freaking out and asking me what that meant!  (And yes, he was FREAKING out!)  We were SO excited!
     We had these very clever plans to get our parents and siblings together to share the news all at once...but of course life got in the way.  The secret was ours for a few weeks before we told Karen and Austin, then Kylie, then Mom and Dad (Kylie helped us plan a surprise trip to LS to let them know), and then Drew.  We held off on telling Karissa for a while, because as you all know a 12 year old with a cellphone cannot keep a secret :-).  The award for best reaction to the news is a tie between Karen and Papa!  Both experiences were priceless!
     As far as doctors visits go, everything is going great.  We had the first appointment the day after our 2 year anniversary and got to see our little one on our first ultra sound!  Best anniversary gift ever!  Baby was 6 weeks 3 days at that point, and the doctor gave us a due date of February 19, 2011.  The second appointment was last week and we got to hear baby's heartbeat (which was very healthy, by the way)!
     So today I'm 11 weeks 4 days pregnant, and feeling good!  The first trimester has had its ups and downs for me as far as how I've felt, but overall I feel blessed that I haven't been puking and that I've been able to rest a lot.  Thanks for checking in, I'll try to keep updating when we have news!