"Faded" by Shel's Scraps

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2 months!

Well, I kind of forgot about this blog for a while...I have had some other things on my mind. 
Kya Mae was 2 months old yesterday!  I can't believe it!  Today we had her 2 month check-up.  She is now 9 lb 2 oz and 22 inches long.  She's outgrown the preemie clothes, still wearing mostly newborn clothes, and slowly fitting into a few 0-2 month clothes.  The doctor said everything is looking great.  Great news from the appointment:  I'm allowed to let her sleep for up to 12 hours at night, HALLELUJAH!  I'm so relieved to not have to worry about waking her up to eat anymore, whew!  She also got her first set of vaccinations at the appointment.  It was so sad!  Her poor little face got so red and she was screaming so hard she couldn't breathe!  I fed her right afterwards and that definitely calmed her down.  She's still sleeping now, I hope she will be able to get lots of rest while she recovers.  Here are some 2 month pics!